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Cleaning Silicone Glue using Acetone


There are several easy ways you can try to clean up the remaining silicon glue on the aquarium glass. There are many materials that can be used to remove or clean up silicone glue residue. But we also need to pay attention to which ingredients can be used safely. Here are some materials that can be used effectively to safely remove or clean up silicone glue residue.

1. Vinegar

Vinegar can be used for many things. For example removing or cleaning glue marks, besides that vinegar can also remove stubborn crust.

2. Non-stick spray

There are some people who often use non-stick spray in cooking. This non-stick liquid serves to prevent food from sticking to the pan. You can use this liquid to reduce the adhesive power of the silicon glue so it's easy to clean.

3. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is usually used to warm the body. In addition, eucalyptus oil feels safe and effective enough to remove or clean up residual silicon glue. Eucalyptus oil is the simplest and easiest ingredient for us to find.

4. Alcohol

The alcohol helps soften the tough glue. So it can be used to remove or clean traces of silicon glue. Alcohol itself is a material that is still safe to use because it dries quickly and doesn't leave marks. But make sure to use pure alcohol.

5. Acetone

Acetone is a liquid that is very familiar to all of us. Liquid that is often used to clean nail polish. However, the benefits of acetone are not only for removing nail polish, but also for removing or removing the remaining silicone glue that sticks to the aquarium.

6. Adhesive remover

Adhesive remover is a liquid that is designed with materials that can remove adhesion, for example traces of glue or latex. Similar to acetone, adhesive remover has dissolving properties.

7. Thinner

For those of you who don't have a history of skin allergies, you can use thinner to remove or clean glue marks. Thinner is usually used to thin and clean the remaining paint that sticks to the hands. You can try this to remove the sticky silicon glue.

You do not need to provide all the materials described above. You can choose one of the possible materials from what has been described in your home. how to clean residual silicon glue using acetone.

Prepare tools and materials

To remove silicon glue, you need to provide several tools and materials that will be used, such as:

  • Liquid Acetone / Fluid Thinner

  • Dry cloth

How to remove silicon glue on aquarium glass

Cleaning the glue that sticks to the aquarium glass, especially when it's dry will require patience and care. This is because stubborn glue is difficult to remove and the cleaning process is sometimes not enough. How to remove silicon glue is as follows:

Soak the dry cloth that we prepared earlier in hot water, then attach the cloth to the glue area that we want to remove or clean. Let stand for a few minutes, more or less about 2 to 4 minutes for the silicone glue to soften a bit. After you feel that the glue patch has started to soften, you can spray it or give enough Acetone.

Rub with a dry cloth until the glass is clean again.

If you feel it's still not clean, you can repeat steps 2 to 3 until the glue is completely clean or disappears.

If there is residual silicon glue that sticks to your body parts, it is highly not recommended to soak your body parts for too long in acetone liquid. Acetone liquid can also be used to remove glue stains from clothes. Even though acetone liquid can remove stains from clothes, it should be noted that the dosage is not too much.

Hope this article helps!


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