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Exploring Common Chemicals Used in Laboratory Experiments


In the process of producing and testing health care products such as pharmaceuticals, biology, cells and medical equipment and materials, chemicals are of course very necessary. However, the use of chemicals should not be careless. Must use chemicals that have gone through an identification process by the factory into several grades, each of which has standards and certification for its use. The grade of chemicals is based on the intended use and level of chemical purity. What grades of chemicals are commonly used in laboratories?

1.     Technical grade or technical chemicals

Another term for technical chemical grade is commercial grade. This level of chemicals is often used for industrial purposes. Very rarely used for chemical analysis needs. Chemical purposes that generally use technical grade are for washing or cleaning solutions. Apart from that, it can be used as a solution to trigger a qualitative reaction that is demonstrative in nature. Technical grade is not pure enough for food or drug mixtures because the impurity must be reduced first before it can be used.

2.     Purified grade

Purified grade is one of the chemical grades that you can get at the nearest chemical distributor. This grade is also often referred to as official or pure standard chemicals. This purified grade cannot be used as a mixture of food ingredients or medicines because the pure standard of this chemical grade means its use is limited.

3.     Laboratory grade

This laboratory grade is the chemical grade most often used in educational practicums, but the level of purity is not yet known. Although laboratory grade chemicals can be used as learning or training materials, they are not pure enough to be applied to food or medicine. Because laboratory grade has a fairly good level of purity and the costs required are relatively low. The scope of use of this grade of chemical is quite broad, especially for practicums in school or college labs. Although laboratory grade chemicals are not suitable for use in quality control laboratories for pharmaceutical production and medical devices.

4.     Grade NF (National Formulary)

NF grade has met the standards set by NF. Therefore, the use of grade NF chemicals is permitted for use in mixtures of food ingredients, medicines, and for cosmetics. However, the list of NF grade chemicals must first go through a review process to determine which ones have the same or equivalent grade.

5.     USP (United States Pharmacopeia) Grade

Chemicals in this grade are often used for the needs of certain industries. For example, the food industry and health industry. USP grade is generally used for laboratory purposes because its purity level is sufficient to be used for chemical reactions in the lab, except for chemical analysis purposes. The same as NF grade, USP grade also meets standards and can be used in foodstuffs, cosmetics and medicines.

6.     Reagent Grade

Reagent grade is a chemical that generally has the same level as the ACS (American Chemical Society) grade of approximately 95%. So this grade can be used for food and drug analysis purposes. Apart from that, these reagent grade chemicals can also be used for medical needs and used for chemical analysis in the lab.

7.     ACS (American Chemical Society) Grades

ACS grade is a chemical with the highest category that meets and exceeds ACS standards. This grade of chemical can be used for research on food and medicine. ACS grade can be applied for general procedures or medical needs that require strict specifications with a purity level of more than or equal to 95%

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