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How to Store Chemicals


It is very important for us to understand how to store chemicals properly and safely because each chemical has different properties. Therefore the method of storage is also different for each chemical. The things that need to be considered when we chemicals, namely:

  • The possibility of interaction between materials which must be considered because there may be a risk of fire, explosion or toxic gas.

  • It is also necessary to pay attention to the interaction between the place and the chemicals to prevent leakage.

There are several criteria for places that need to be considered when storing chemicals, including the following:

  • Choose a place that is equipped with a secondary safety so as not to leak and break

  • Use corrosion resistant storage containers to prevent drips, leaks and spills

  • Provide a ventilated cupboard directly under a chemical fume hood when storing hazardous materials.

The main requirements for storing chemicals are as follows:

  • Do not store on benches, except when we are using it

  • Store on a special rack which has a height that should not be more than 5 feet

  • Prepare a special place for storage based on the nature of the chemical

  • After use, always return it to its original place

There are several steps to store flammable chemicals:

  1. Keep it in its original place

  2. If possible store flammable liquids in excess of 1 liter safety cans

  3. Keep flammable and flammable chemicals away from strong oxidizing agents such as peroxide, perchlorate, permanganate, or nitric acid

For how to store highly reactive chemicals, so as to avoid unwanted risks, there are several steps that can be taken:

  1. Read the MSDS when making decisions regarding the storage of reactive chemicals

  2. Bring only the materials needed, at least keep it for 6 months

  3. Add a label, date, and record all reactive ingredients

  4. Don't forget to open the container if it has exceeded the expiration date

  5. Do not open the peroxide former when there is a deposit

  6. Store in ceramic or glass containers

  7. Store in an explosion-proof contact for very sensitive materials

  8. For materials that are unstable due to the heat generated, use a refrigerator that is supported by safety features

To avoid the negative effects of chemicals that have toxic ingredients, here's how to store them:

  1. Store in a well-ventilated place and must have a resistant and shatter-resistant secondary barrier

  2. Label warning signs

  3. Limit access to storage space

  4. Use an inventory of toxic materials.

Hope this article helps!


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